5 Mindful Exercises to add to your weekly routine
Let's practice some mindfulness this week! Being mindful is the perfect way to get out of your head and into your body. Mindful by definition is being consciously aware of something. Many times our daily lives and to-do list cause our thoughts to race and for us to race through life only acting the steps we need to cross things off our list. This week join us in being present, aware of our surroundings, and grounding. By practicing mindfulness, we can allow ourselves to openly accept our thoughts, feelings, and body sensations without judgement or resistance.
Here's some very thoughtful, very cutesy ways to be very mindful this week.
Single Tasking
Yes! Of course it is the complete opposite of multitasking. Single tasking allows us to focus. Focusing on one task at a time allows us to be present and grounded in the moment.
Gratitude List
Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for in your life. There's no right or wrong answer. You can simply be grateful for the chair that is currently grounding you to the earth. This reminds us of all the beautiful things that are surrounding us daily.
Moving your body
Exercise is a great way to allow yourself to be in the present moment. Whether it is taking a walk around the block. During this time allow yourself to check in with your body, to feel the ground under your feet, to admire the trees around you, and really embrace your surroundings.
Deep breathing
Allowing ourselves a moment to just breathe can feel so healing. Sometimes we just need to take a moment to breathe and reset. You can do this by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath in through the nose, holding for four, exhaling for four through the mouth and holding for four. Repeat these steps as many times as you need.
Arts & Crafts
This can be whatever is art to you! You can find printable coloring sheets online, paint, draw, crochet, whatever your heart desires! During this time you can focus on your thoughts and breathe. If your thoughts wander, gently guide them back to the present moment.
Here's some very thoughtful, very cutesy ways to be very mindful this week.
Single Tasking
Yes! Of course it is the complete opposite of multitasking. Single tasking allows us to focus. Focusing on one task at a time allows us to be present and grounded in the moment.
Gratitude List
Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for in your life. There's no right or wrong answer. You can simply be grateful for the chair that is currently grounding you to the earth. This reminds us of all the beautiful things that are surrounding us daily.
Moving your body
Exercise is a great way to allow yourself to be in the present moment. Whether it is taking a walk around the block. During this time allow yourself to check in with your body, to feel the ground under your feet, to admire the trees around you, and really embrace your surroundings.
Deep breathing
Allowing ourselves a moment to just breathe can feel so healing. Sometimes we just need to take a moment to breathe and reset. You can do this by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath in through the nose, holding for four, exhaling for four through the mouth and holding for four. Repeat these steps as many times as you need.
Arts & Crafts
This can be whatever is art to you! You can find printable coloring sheets online, paint, draw, crochet, whatever your heart desires! During this time you can focus on your thoughts and breathe. If your thoughts wander, gently guide them back to the present moment.